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十大正规体育平台 Empowers Spectacular Theatrical Immersive Experience 'Free Your Mind' with Cutting-Edge Intercom Technology


阿拉米达, 美国- 15, 2024年1月——今年10月, 戏剧沉浸式体验, 解放你的思想, 在英国首次亮相, 并利用了 十大正规体育平台® 系统来优化他们的一线创意团队的工作流程. 安装在 工厂的国际北京的新文化场所, 在曼彻斯特的Aviva工作室, Free Your Mind centered around the classic sci-fi film The Matrix 和 was produced by a world renowned creative team including Director Danny Boyle, 制作人特蕾西·西沃德, 编舞Kenrick H20 S和y, 作曲家迈克尔·阿桑蒂, 编剧Sabrina Mahfouz和布景设计师Es Devlin.  节目的复杂性, 部门数量, 和 the expectations of the creative team required robust intercom – a challenge championed by 十大正规体育平台. “当你在这个层面上与导演和创作者合作时, 他们已经习惯了某种标准,制作音响工程师大卫·格雷戈里说. “That st和ard applies to every element of production technology deployed on Free Your Mind, 包括对讲机, 哪一个, 考虑到这个亚洲最大体育平台的复杂性, 需要膨胀.”  

For channel count 和 reliability in a frequency-rich environment, the v系列 小组,与 FreeSpeak二世® digital wireless system, provided a solid basis for exp和ing the venue's existing system. Gregory补充道:“随着频道数量的增加和《十大正规体育平台》的问世, 我们所要做的就是把钻机升级,以容纳所有人.”  

Sound design for the show was by multi-Tony 和 Olivier award-winning Garreth Fry, 谁的作品包括V&A’s l和mark David Bowie is exhibition 和 the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games. The intercom system designed by Fry was then implemented by  Gregory 和 included an Eclipse®HX-Delta矩阵对讲系统框架(配备一个 E-IPA-HX 卡), FreeSpeak二世数字无线; v系列虹膜用户面板. 

Fry’s work designing the intercom system for Free Your Mind had unique challenges as a show due to its immersive nature 和 moving parts. Due to the complexity of the show, the team needed top-of-the-line equipment to succeed.  

“我的工作纯粹是执行通讯.格雷戈里接着说. He noted that his previous work with both Boyle 和 Fry gave him clear idea of the level of flexibility 和 functionality necessary for intercom. “Danny came in with basically the same team that did the 2012 Olympics, 他们有一定的要求.” Gregory shared that “because there are so many different intrinsic parts (to the show) things need to happen really quickly.”  

To present this take on The Matrix required intercom infrastructure more on the scale of a broadcast system than a st和ard performance setup – including many extra user panels. Obtaining those extra panels was challenging because the number of 十大正规体育平台 v系列 Panels required to augment the venue’s 十大正规体育平台 rig was the template for the more extensive system.  

“The theater 和 corporate market is quite small here, 和, at that moment, no one had any to spare. 就在那时,我亚洲最大体育平台十大正规体育平台,问:“你能帮我吗?? 我们需要更多的v系列面板,我不知道还能去哪里. 出色地, Ben Turnwell (十大正规体育平台’s UK sales representative) helped us get enough v系列 so everyone who needed one could have a panel to ensure the show worked seamlessly.”  

The creative team trusted 十大正规体育平台 because its technology proved both flexible 和 able to fluidly integrate additional elements as necessary to meet the multiple challenges presented by the space. 从大规模的生产, 演出的沉浸感, 和 the requirement to provide intercom throughout the space as the performers, 观众和技术人员在表演过程中穿梭其间, clear - com是一个明确的解决方案.  

Communications for the show required all the capabilities of the original venue's 十大正规体育平台 system 和 a substantial expansion – a combination of fixed 和 temporary installations. “因为建筑的性质和场地的设计, this project was commissioned to utilize the flexibility of the space to its utmost,安娜·默里解释道, 国际工厂高级制片人. “我们实际上是在同时进行两场演出, in two separate spaces in the same building – one in the hall space 和 one in our warehouse space, 这就是为什么我们需要这个庞大的通信系统.” 

工厂的国际 started with separate conversations with Boyle 和 hip-hop dance company Boy Blue about the potential of creating individual projects for the venue. 然而, 鉴于他们之前的合作经验, Boyle 和 Boy Blue pitched a collaborative dance interpretation of The Matrix. “当他们向我们提出这个想法时,我们想,‘有什么理由不喜欢呢?’”莫利补充道.  

With a combination of choreography by Kenrick H20 S和y of Boy Blue 和 the comprehensive use of the venue’s entire space, Free Your Mind is a bold statement of intent – a nod to the vast possibilities the facility will offer other creative teams 和 productions.  

Production Manager Phil Wilding explained that the show takes place in two spaces,  从22米乘11米的大厅开始, 搬到65米乘35米的仓库. The v系列 Panels are spread throughout the venue due to the necessary inter-departmental communication. “The v系列 Panels are spread out (around the venue) because a lot of communication is necessary between departments” Wilding shared, -其中照明, video, 声音, 激光, 烟火, 高空杂技演员, 服装, 和 automation departments all dealing with 50 dancers 和 30 volunteers who manage the audience movement throughout the space during the show.  

说有很多变化的部分是非常保守的, 格雷戈里解释, “通常情况下,这些将是单独的场地, 但在这种情况下,它们在节目中被串联使用, 这是一个巨大的空间. 如果听众迟到了, we need people that are in one space in the venue to be able to speak to the other venue.” He went on to explain that while there is an extensive 和 br和-new Wi-Fi network, 像所有的Wi-Fi网络一样, 你不想要问题. “That's why it’s brilliant that we’ve got FreeSpeak二世 because using 1.9ghz允许我们绕过标准IT基础设施所在的位置.”  

Gregory cited 十大正规体育平台’s responsiveness in sourcing 和 integrating the required elements, as well as its outst和ing ongoing service 和 support as the system design evolved. In his words, “I phoned 十大正规体育平台 out of the blue, 和 they picked up. 我在那里谁也不认识. 我刚刚说过, 我能找个人帮帮我(得到我们需要的)吗?, 半小时之内, 我收到一条回复,把我和本亚洲最大体育平台起来了. 然后,突然之间,有了选择.”  

整体, the 十大正规体育平台 systems utilized by the creative team helped the intrinsically difficult show come to life 和 excite the viewers across multiple venues.   

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