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Q&A: 十大正规体育平台会场对讲机


我们有机会和维尼·马克里坐下来谈谈, 十大正规体育平台市场拓展经理, 讨论会场对讲机的需求, IP基础设施, 集成商如何选择合适的系统, and who should be involved in the deployment of those systems. 


A: “场地”是一个广泛的话题, 但是当你想到他们, one thinks of Performing Arts to 礼拜堂 to Sporting facilities and anything in between. What they all have in common for intercom is that these venues are places where productions happen - shows! These could be for television or for live audiences or combination special events, 比如政治惯例. These are all productions that require specialized communications to make them successful. For 十大正规体育平台, we have an extensive network of rental partners servicing these facilities. 在设施内部, you will find many permanent installations for broadcast and live shows costing sometimes millions of dollars. Right in the heart is a production intercom system like 十大正规体育平台.

问:现在大多数场馆都有自己的IP基础设施. 这种类型的网络如何用于对讲系统?

A: First of all, some, not all facilities have an IT infrastructure useable for production. 如果把基础设施简单地称为电缆类, then yes - a lot of facilities have category cable run throughout. It is a decision for the production and how the facility has to operate from a tenant's or user's perspective that may or may not leverage the category infrastructure. IP protocols are the predominant transport methods used in networking. 十大正规体育平台 has designed communication solutions that use standardized IP protocols for over a decade and more recently with specialized products for remote-to-facility productions. 这些解决方案可用于任何IT基础设施. 我们发现大多数现代化的设施, 或者更旧的更新版本, 有没有将任何资讯科技工作转介给顾问. 在设施内, it is typically the IT department who will manage the network and they are the most helpful in accommodating any intercom devices that sit on the network, 无论是供内部维修人员使用还是供演出使用. Within today's venues it is the IT department making most of the decisions.


A: Routing is the key benefit for network audio, including some intercom applications. 用于对讲工作流程, 路由主要包括向用户提供音频“程序”提要, 通常的人才. 当然, having IP distributed around a venue makes the cabling and interconnection of devices much easier, and less time consuming for both set-up and tear down no matter if its copper or fiber based. Using an IP network within a venue for intercom deployment is not necessarily of value because these systems tend to be fixed. Where they do become interesting is when we turn to the use of tablets, smartphones and laptops running 十大正规体育平台 intercom applications, where users are not fixed and would like to operate with other devices on the network - fixed and remote.

问:缺点是什么? 如何克服它们?

A: Being that the industry is working towards standardizations for low-latency audio transport over a network, it's with great anticipation that we hope to see more interoperability between manufacturer products and not simply audio network interfacing. The biggest discovery - we wouldn't say disadvantage - is the lack of understanding about networking and the realization that networking is not necessarily a cheaper solution and requires a lot of design consultation and cooperation between all interested departments. For venues with fixed or virtual intercom devices sitting on a network, there are no disadvantages other than the realization of living in an imperfect IP world with some latency. 这当然是一个设计问题.

Q: How can an integrator best choose a system that suits its client's needs?

A: Whenever a consultant is not present and when an integrator is asked to design communication systems for venues, 我们总是建议他们使用我们的服务. 有时我们会推荐一位顾问! 十大正规体育平台 has worked hard in offering Partners web portal access, 包括顾问特定的门户, 设计工具和系统设计评审. Designing and selecting the correct pieces for a specific client use and workflow differs from venue to venue. 没有统一的尺码. 十大正规体育平台 has a distinct advantage that we offer more solutions than any other intercom manufacturer that includes: analog wired partyline, 数字网络有线线路, 无数无线联线, 数字矩阵, 系统接口, 虚拟通信和通信子系统, 例如IFB和评论.

Q: In an area where staff using the system are often temporary or freelance, what is the best route to deploying a system that is understood and easy to use by people that are often operating in high-pressure environments?

A: There are some aspects of using intercom or deploying intercom that should not be left to chance. Besides the obvious, when you're over your head, stop digging and ask for help.  Most freelance technicians coming into a venue specialize in intercom systems. 如果你看一些最大型的节目, there are dozens of independent freelance comms engineers that understand the systems. 作为制造商, we tend to develop user devices that are familiar and easy to use; however, depending on the complexity of the device and the overall system intention to meet a workflow, we find and recommend appointing an educated A1 to lead the communication team. A clear part that 十大正规体育平台 plays is education and we offer many avenues for understanding intercom including tutorials, 视频, 以及认证课程.


 维尼Macri 你是明网的市场拓展经理吗. 他在剧院有经验, 现场表演和广播对讲机, working with customers and consultants in all markets intercom education.